
An important part of our Vision of sustainability is making use of local resources whenever possible. Learn about the resources you have in your community, and work to make the best use of the opportunities you have in your area.

This list of resources centers on those in southern Michigan, northeast Indiana, and Northern Ohio. Please feel free to share information about additional resources in your area so they can be included here.

Alternative Energy and Energy Efficiency

Urban Options
A non-profit community agency which provides energy and environmental information and services and seeks to improve the environmental quality of our Urban Spaces. Conducts educational programs and demonstrations of practical and healthful home and yard improvements. Operates an Energy and Environmental Demonstration House in East Lansing, Michigan.

Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association
A non-profit organization centered in Michigan that works to educate, promote, and publicly demonstrate renewable energy technologies.

Midwest Renewable Energy Association
An excellent group working to teach and promote a wide range of renewable energy options. Located in Wisconsin.


Wild Winds Buffalo Preserve
Buffalo meat from a herd honored and respected as sacred animals. Located in Fremont, IN.

CSA List
A state-by-state searchable list of Community Supported Agriculture farms. Support your local growers.

Pastured Products Directory
A state-by-state list of pastured livestock producers. Support local producers. Also lots of info on the environmental and health benefits of pastured livestock production.


Lauri Rowe, certified massage therapist and cranial sacral practitioner in Coldwater, MI . (517) 279-7385,

Lakota Spirituality

TiOspaye, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the Lakota of the Hisle and Wanblee communities on Pine Ridge Reservation. A newsletter, Wolf Songs is published semi-quarterly.

Contact TiOspaye at:
PO Box 200
Wanblee, SD 57577
(UPS shipping address: House 841, Hisle, SD 57577)

Tananka Mani Camp
A Native American Retreat Center n the Black Hills of South Dakota founded by Gilbert Walking Bull, a traditional Lakota elder. Gilbert was taught in the Sioux way by his parents and grandparents while growing up in Wanblee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Reservation.